In his first letter to Timothy, Paul makes a statement about paying elders/leaders in the church. Leaders that rule well are worthy of "double honor", especially those that preach and teach.

As someone who no longer derives wages from the church, I feel more empowered to talk about such things. Let me repeat an answer I have often given when asked this question many times over the last few years. "Hey Dean, is it harder being a pastor or running a business?" The answer, it's not even close. Running a business is easier by a factor of 10.

That those who lead in a church setting are compared to Oxen treading out grain and field laborers in the next verse should be noted. Ministry is hard, it's emotionally taxing to the point of burn-out for many. Covid and lockdowns have only increased the stress of ministry.

If you want to do something practical for your ministry leaders, here are some thoughts off the top of my head.

Consistently give to your local church, where you are fed spiritually, so the church can properly support its leaders.

Pay for a restful seven-day vacation every six months for your ministry leaders and their families.

Ensure board members of the church are setting aside church income for retirement accounts for ministers.

Pay for a life insurance policy for the pastor, especially if they are young.

Secretly send a $500 gift card to a nice restaurant so they can treat their family.

Secretly approach the church treasure and ask to pay their December mortgage/rent payment.
If the pastor does not own a home, get together with some business people in the church and secretly arrange a deposit for an affordable home.

I'm sure you can think of many others but you get the point. Ministry is hard and full of disappointments. Be a blessing to your pastors, they are worthy of double honor.